Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bon Voyage, Joe Galli

 On September 13, Unity House hosted a bon voyage party for Joe Galli, who has served the college in several capacities over the last few years, most recently as the Interim Vice President for College Advancement. Like many Unity folks, Joe made our transition here easier with his friendly, generous personality and his commitment to furthering the mission of the college.

We had two cakes -- an apple cake and a carrot cake in honor of Joe's healthy lifestyle.
 We had serious moments . . .
 and we had silly moments,
new friends,
and old friends,
                                  hugs and more hugs,

 smiling faces,

 and sad faces.
Joe will be missed by faculty, staff, and students. but we all wish him the best in his new Southern California adventure. I will especially miss his sense of humor and his willingness to just be himself.  Stephen will especially miss his insight and wisdom. But the people who will probably miss him most of all are those who worked under him -- Reeta Benedict, Deb Noone, and Cindy Schaub, who valued his way of bringing out the best in people and his understanding of human sustainability.